Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Li-Fi system connecting devices in a room

A new generation of high brightness light-emitting diodes
forms the core part of light fidelity technology. The logic is
very simple. If the LED is on, a digital 1 is transmitted. If the
LED is off, a digital 0 is transmitted. These high brightness
LEDs can be switched on and off very quickly which gives us
a very nice opportunities for transmitting data through light.

The working of Li-Fi is very simple. There is a light
emitter on one end, for example, an LED, and a photo detector
(light sensor) on the other. The photo detector registers a
binary one when the LED is on; and a binary zero if the LED
is off. To build up a message, flash the LED numerous times
or use an array of LEDs of perhaps a few different colors, to
obtain data rates in the range of hundreds of megabits per

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